Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Gensabi's Castle Of TG Capped Pics

Friday, June 3, 2016

Updates And New Featured Post!

Dear Readers,

I hope you enjoyed the capped gifs. I know they're simple but the way they're made isn't exactly good for much more than that.

Now when I was doing morphs I could add caption space and keep the text static during the transformation and I figured out how to make it a gif.

These were premade gifs I then added text to. I don't know how to add caption space to already made gifs.

Please let me know if you like them. I can try to find and do more.

"From Rise To Shine" did so well as a featured post it's not getting the full month. Why? Because I discovered an emergency! 

Last night I found one of my favorites "Hello Hotness" on my device and went upon a quest to find my archived set of pics to cap her in that outfit some more. 

Now to narrow it down I searched for the cap on here to get the year, which was 2013. I was SHOCKED to find it only has 28 views!

So it's going to be the new featured post! I'll hold off on recapping her now, but I did eventually find her. In a folder from 11/08/2013!

This capped pic was originally made in September 2013! Now, you may notice thicker lines for the word bubbles. This was an early attempt at using those and I hadn't figured out how to change line thickness yet! 



  1. How to cap GIFs:

    1. Thanks! I can copy and paste that when I get back on my laptop. I hope to have new capped pics before Tuesday. Today was physically rough and tonight is mentally rough. Unable to sleep.

  2. Just a note, I got sick last night and am trying to deal with it more today. I was hoping to do a bunch more capped pics but it might be a few days.
